Book Hooked Box March Unboxing

Hi folks!

It’s been a while since I’ve done an unboxing here! Last June, I believe was the last unboxing post I got around going here. Now I present you a new one! My dear friend, Sarah, decided to make a book box! Although I was not able to get the first two boxes, now I bring you the March box, that I very much loved!

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The first thing I spotted in the box was a card with a question on it. Book Hooked box comes with a question each month that you can answer on twitter with the harshtag #BHBQOTM. In case the picture below doesn’t show up, the question this month was: “If you had the ability to magically heal, what would you use it for and how? Would you change the world or perhaps be selfish?” My answer would be probably helping the world, first and foremost especially those around me and then lend my power to help the world. Though probably in secret because we all know how leaders of the world would exploit such a power for their own gain.

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Next up we have the card of the month with the spoilers and the theme for this box. Sarah also revealed that we would get an extra item, which was the witchy foil print by Oktoberdots. There were four options and I got this one, which I absolutely adore! Also that bookmark is gorgeous as well! Not to mention that pin!

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Book Hooked box comes with some delciousness too! In this one we had the chocolate box and hot chocolate! You can bet I devoured them right away!

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Before finishing this up I just want to mention how much I love how Sarah wrapped up the book! It gives so much more to the mistery of the unboxing!

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And the last two items was a bath oil that looks very witchy! I haven’t opened it yet because it’s honestly too beautiful to ruin but I’m certain it smells amazing! And the book itself, which is The Antidote by Shelley Sackier. I have not heard of this book yet but I’m always very eager to read witchy books and this one looks very promicing!

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So this was my unboxing for the March box for Book Hooked Box. I hope you all liked it and if you want to purchase one you can head over to their website!

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