JANuary Book Tag

Hi folks!

It’s been a while since I had a book tag done so I thought I would bring you one on this fine Monday. I saw this tag on Brody’s Youtube channel and on Aoife’s Youtube channel, definitely do check out their videos! The tag was originally created by Jan Agaton, which you can find here. The moment I heard the questions I knew I wanted to do this tag, because the questions make you reflect back on last year and think a little bit ahead to this year’s plans. So without further ado, let’s see the questions and my answers!

1. What was the last (& first, if you remember) book you read last year?

The first book I read was Wicked Fox by Kat Cho. I remember that because it surprised me so much, I wasn’t really expecting to enjoy that book as I’m not really a big k-drama fan. But I definitely did end up enjoying that book a lot more than I anticipated. The last book I read was an e-arc copy of Fire Becomes Her by Rosiee Thor, which is an amazing queer book with the 1920s glamor vibes. I actually have a spoiler free review up if you want to know more about this amazing book!

2. What is your first read this year?

My first read was The Black Veins by Ashia Monet. It’s a self-published book that is a YA adventure book with found family trope that is my favourite thing ever. It is advertised as “no-love-interest” book, which I don’t necessarily agree with because there are implications of something for further books in the series but it’s definitely not the focus of the book, for sure!

3. Share 3 of your reading goals this year.

I definitely do want to read 50 books this year and I also set a page count goal, which is 20000 pages. Other than that I mostly just want to keep up with reading books balanced between white authors and POC authors. I didn’t have the best reading year last year so I’m glad that I still could keep that up that near 50-50% ratio, I’m definitely aiming to keep that for this year as well.

4. Share 3 of your most anticipated titles.

I haven’t really keep up with new releases, because I have been in a reading slump for most of last year and seemingly even the beginning of this year sadly. Also, with the EU making the decision to tax everything coming from a third party country I haven’t really been ordering new books, and the price of books have been sky rocketing so badly that I haven’t really gotten new books for that reason as well. With that I do definitely look forward to the Shadow and Bone graphic novel, Demon in the Wood by Leigh Bardugo and Dani Pendergast. I also really am looking forward to Gallant by Victoria Schwab. And probably my most anticipated book for 2022 A Magic Steeped in Poison by Judy I. Lin. I mean that book’s cover is art!

5. Which goals did you reach/not reach last year?

Originally I planned on reading 52 books last year, one book every year. But by the end of the year I had to realize that wasn’t going to happen so I lowered it to 50, which thankfully I did reach. I ended up reading 51 books last year, so I almost got to my original goal but I was short of one book. I probably could have read a manga volume but the slump came back that I have been fighting all year so that wasn’t really going to happen sadly.

6. Are there new releases this year you’ve heard of that you have no desire to read?

Like I’ve mentioned, I haven’t really been keeping up with new releases but if Sarah J. Maas or Cassandra Clare has any new releases I’m definitely not interested reading them. I think I let their books go for the rest of my life. I probably could add Holly Black’s books as well, even though I have never read one but I lost interest all together for her books.

7. What are some reading habits you want to change this year, if any?

Aoife mentioned it in her video but that applies to me as well, I really need to stop being on my phone at the end of the day and just replace that with reading a book. I’ve been trying so hard to stop picking up my phone but it hasn’t been going too well, especially not with this slump I’m fighting once more.

8. Are there any adaptations you’re excited about?

I honestly am not sure what adaptations are coming out in 2022… So I have no answer for this… I’ve been mostly watching anime shows… Maybe I could say the last Bleach season I am very excited about so I have started rewatching Bleach to catch up so I can watch the new season when it’s coming out!

9. Favorite bookish memory of last year?

I actually haven’t had many, sadly. But I can think of two. One is when my dad wanted me to tag along with him while he was running errands so he gave me money to get myself books. And the other one was definitely buddy reading Battle Royale with my friend Rebeka.

10. Carryovers from last year that you still plan on finishing?

Oh, yes! I do! A lot! Just to mention some, I have Rule of Wolves by Leigh Bardugo, The Lady of the Lake and Season of Storms by Andrzej Sapkowski and Shadow of Night by Deborah Harkness.

Alright, so these are my answers for the questions. I hope you all enjoyed reading this post, I definitely did enjoy think about how to answer these questions. If anyone wants to do this tag you can take it like I tagged you!

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